Calls for local council to respect the electoral decision from the town of Salina Cruz
Calls for local council to respect the electoral decision from the town of Salina Cruz
San Raymundo Jalpan, Oax. December 9, 2021 .- The local Parliament urged the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), to enforce the decision of thousands of Oaxacan citizens who elected their authority in the municipality of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.
For this reason, it requested the jurisdictional authority to carry out a detailed study of the decision of the Xalapa Regional Chamber of the same body, which, on November 23, declared the nullity of the municipal election of Salina Cruz, under the assumptions of lack of legality, impartiality and certainty.
Through a point of agreement of urgent and obvious resolution, the court was asked to carry out a comprehensive study of the Constitutional reconsideration resources to revoke, where appropriate, the sentence issued by the Regional Chamber and respect the will of the citizens and the election results.
This, under the premise that the opinion issued by the Chamber violates the principles of the Constitutional order such as: universal suffrage, certainty, consistency, legality and completeness.
The point of agreement was promoted by the congresswoman, Luisa Cortés Garcia, a member of the Morena Parliamentary Group and endorsed by the Plenary Assembly.