Oaxacan Congress will prioritize river sanitation and environmental conservation
Oaxacan Congress will prioritize river sanitation and environmental conservation
San Raymundo Jalpan, Oax. December 9, 2021.- To consolidate environmental projects such as the sanitation of the Atoyac and Salado rivers, members of the Water and Sanitation Commission; and the Budget and Programming Commission of the Oaxacan Congress, as well as state authorities, riverside municipal governments and civil organizations will establish urgent actions, such as the proposal for the reallocation of state budgets.
With this objective in mind, the members of the Water and Sanitation Commission, chaired by the deputy Eva Diego Cruz and made up of the deputies, Sergio Sánchez López, Reyna Victoria Jiménez Cervantes and Víctor Raúl Hernández López, installed the morning of this Wednesday a work table.
The President of this legislative body, highlighted that it works with perfectly organized civil groups, such as the Specialized Work Group of the Cuenca de la Costa de Oaxaca Council (GET), who have at least 17 meetings in coordination with agencies, to know the state treatment plants, technical diagnoses, priority projects and a conflict map.
This work plan is where the State Water Commission (CEA), the Oaxaca Potable Water and Sewerage Services (SAPAO), the National Water Commission (CNA) and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development (Semaedeso) come into play.
The President of the Budget and Programming Commission, Sergio Sánchez López, highlighted: “We are in the analysis and discussion of the proposal of the State Executive and we are in working tables with the Ministry of Finance to address the issue of river rescue Atoyac and Salado, we are going to give it a punctual follow-up ”.
Deputy Samuel Gurrión Matías, president of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission added that this Legislature will prioritize the environment, seeking laws that sanction people who pollute since it is the only route for citizens, industries and organizations to take awareness.
Also present at the work table were Manuel Ramírez Santiago representing the Specialized Work Group of the Cuenca de la Costa de Oaxaca Council; Eloy Leyva Rojas, alternate member of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of the Cuenca Council; and Víctor Hugo Vázquez, from the general direction of the CEA.
Among the municipalities represented, there were Oaxaca de Juárez, Magdalena Apasco, San Agustín Etla, San Pablo Huixtepec, La Ciénega Zimatlán, Villa de Zaachila, San Bartolo Coyotepec, Santa Ana Zegache and San Martín Lachilá.